Saturday, November 21, 2009

Should I dye my hair black? (Picture inside)?

Okay, heres a picture of me with my hair now:

And here, Is a picture of the colour hair that i want:

Do you think It will suit me? If not, What other coloures will?

Should I dye my hair black? (Picture inside)?

Hmm, is the first picture your natural colour? The black does look good on u but its really hard to get out if u change ur mind l8r on, i have jet black hair %26amp; it gets a little boring after a while %26amp; i cant change it unless i strip it :( And also, your pale (like me), dying your hair black would make you look wayyyy to pale.. especially without makeup %26amp; in the mornings omigod! I rekon half a head of caramel %26amp; blonde high %26amp; low lights would look gr8 with ur hair colour now.. just remember - once you go black - you cant go back! Its one of the most hardest %26amp; frustrating colours you can get out, IF ur luky!

Should I dye my hair black? (Picture inside)?

Your hair is almost black already!!

Yeah but dye if you want

Try %26amp; save up for going to the salon to get it done there though.. Trust me its worth it in the end!

Yeah I think it'll look nice because your hair is dark already!!

Should I dye my hair black? (Picture inside)?

I think that would look good on you, you should definitly go for it :)

Should I dye my hair black? (Picture inside)?

I think you would look great

Should I dye my hair black? (Picture inside)?

No, your hair is already dark and if you dye it black you will have a real hard time changing it later (it will have to be bleached 2x probably to change the color).

Should I dye my hair black? (Picture inside)?

I think youd look great with black hair =) got for it!!

Should I dye my hair black? (Picture inside)?

According to me its not suited with you.Try another lght colour.

Should I dye my hair black? (Picture inside)?

I think you should go for it, but keep in mind that once you do it, there's pretty much no turning back.. Two of my friends dye their hair black and there's pretty much NO way of getting it out without bleaching it and ruining your hair, or growing it out and letting it get all splotchy. So make sure you want it.

Should I dye my hair black? (Picture inside)?

Black would work out fine but just don't go like goth or emo after you die it...your hair is already pretty dark so it won't be a big change.


Should I dye my hair black? (Picture inside)?

it will be fine! that color is not much darker than your current color, so it wont be too big of a change.

Should I dye my hair black? (Picture inside)?

Yes, very much. You're hair is very dark, so it will make a difference, just not a HUGE one. I think that it will look GREAT!! Good luck :P

Should I dye my hair black? (Picture inside)?

well actually the hair you want isn't black, I would say it's a level 2 or 3, darker then yours but not a true blue black.

I think you would look great,

a side note tho try a semi-perm color tho, cause when you are done with black its so much easier to get out of your hair then a perm color.

Go for it !!!

Should I dye my hair black? (Picture inside)?

I like your current hair color.

Should I dye my hair black? (Picture inside)?

i say go for it! i think itll look great if your going for a more edgy look and that tie is hottt!

Should I dye my hair black? (Picture inside)?

you would look fine with black hair.

it'll be a strange adjustment at first though.

go with a semi-permanant black. because you can't even dye your hair back to brown when you dye it black.

i went to a stylist once who died my hair too dark, and i tried to color it to get the almost black color out of my hair, with little to no fruition

Should I dye my hair black? (Picture inside)?

Go for it, I think it will look great. Try having it done with a semi or demi permanent dye first, to check that you like it. That way it will just wash out after a few weeks.

Should I dye my hair black? (Picture inside)?

I say no. You are very fair-skinned and unless you want to look gothic, don't do it. I think you'd look better with lighter brown.

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